shoot anonymous - because if we just walk together like this, wherever we go, it’ll be heaven

this is the last, no more

On Monday, October 31, 2011 at 9:21 PM Fiction & Fact ♥

happy and easy life, less problems, more mature, more patience, having a good score, spend my day at school greatfully, be able to move on completely, won't grow taller again, loss weight, luckier in my love life, less sadness, no more heartbreak
all I want is a brand new life ! different from last month
October will just be a month with my last memories with you
when November starts, I won't be thinking about US anymore, won't write about my feelings for you again
i just want to forget everything, for sure ! bye nyet :)

new month, new life and new story
Godblessme ! amin (‾ʃƪ‾)

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words explain everythings

On Friday, October 21, 2011 at 1:28 PM Fiction & Fact ♥

i already changed all my bio at this blog, twitter or even my heello. maybe i should delete my second blog, the private one. the place where i write all my feelings. well, it's no used anymore. hahaha, i said that i hate goodbyes right ? hmm, i hate it but i can't avoid it. i don't want any goodbyes but God have other plans for me so i've to feel that goodbye again. no problem, this is life. if there is a hello, there will be a goodbye too. everyone know it and it's natural :) i believe the goodness beside goodbye. positive thinking ! hahaha, i must practice to think like that more often. i realize that i surrounded by lovely people ! my family and my besties ! hahaha, thanks for every advice and attention :) it was means so much to me.
yaa, i ready for my new life ! Godblessmeandmyeverysingleday ♥ :)

When sometimes u feel like there’s no hope for love, stay strong and keep believing. If love can unpredictably end, it can also unpredictably appear in your life once again

ps: anyway, i've changed my twitter pass and unprivate it

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fireworks ! x_x

On Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 10:48 AM Fiction & Fact ♥

my raport like a fireworks ! hahaha, swt abis ini raport. kepo pake ada raport bayangan segala, ktahuan dah nilai smua. coba raport lgsg yg uda dijumlahin smua, kn hasilnya jg mendingan lah. ckck, suram". mid akun gw sih angka keramat bgt loh, woghh !
untung aje yee si papi yang ambilin, ckck. acara kabur"an gw dibuka smua sama si miss. klo ktahuan si oma sih bisa digantung gw. papi ngeliat nilai akun merah malah ngmg "tuh kan, ambil ipa aja. psti gaada tuh  akun merah segala." hahah, gw masuk ipa, kimia bio fisika mat gw gmna ?! halahh". suram" =_= dah lah yaa, gw mulai panik dengan raport bayangan, mau guling" rasanya (۳˚Д˚)۳ *lebay*

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happybirthdaydinaa ~

On Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 10:56 AM Fiction & Fact ♥

happy sweet seventeen cemann @virginiaardina ! ihiyy ! ciee ! uda 17 ! wkaka, uda tua lu din ! tapi gw juga nyusul sih bentar lagi. wkwkw, semoga tambah cantik, tambah pinter, tambah gampang kalo diajak jalan *lol*, tambah deket sama momo, tetep deket sama gw :) 
wish you all the best daguu ! Godblessyoualways ♥ :*
iloveyouubelly'sgirlfriend ! aw aw (~‾ ▽‾)~ 
anyway, sorry gabisa ikut acara kue"an tadi, hikss ! padahal gw pngen colekin coklat ke lu din :( tapi gue ny ga masuk, aaaa ! 
once again, happy birthday daguuuu ! wohoo ! :) :)

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All by myself

On Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 10:30 PM Fiction & Fact ♥

You cry at night. Your parents don't know, your brothers don't know, your friends don't know, your boyfriend doesn't know. You just carry on your day when you wake up, pretend that nothing happen and everything is okay. You put a big smile in your face, laughing freely. But, the pain is always there with you all day long. You just hide the feelings and also the tears. You are good at acting, it seems like nobody knows your true feelings. They don't know that you're crying in class when you pretend to be fall asleep. You do all your daily activity with a fake smile. When you're alone or daydreaming, you will always want to cry because you remember all the problems. You feel so frustrated and depressed. When others ask you why, you just smile and say 
"i'm okay"
well, i guess, i'm strong enough to face it :)

i got this sentences from ........ ellie :p
haha, this is just a paragraph after all, no need to worry

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Retreat ♥ \(‾▽‾)/

On Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 9:37 PM Fiction & Fact ♥

just arrived at home 2 hours ago and now i'm alone at home ! what a life -_- retreat done ! ihiyy ! awalnya malesin bgt tapi pas uda dijalanin, not bad juga. yang malesin paling cuma session" acaranya. bosen gila dengerin ceramah, ga ngerti wehh =_= diluar itu, semuanya nyenengin ! \(‾▽‾)/ jadi ga kepengen pulang pas detik" terakhir

maen ayunan sempit"an trus kenceng" smpe ayunan ny uda gerak" mau mental, dikerjain abis"an pas naek jungkat jungkit *sial yang pada ngerjain gw, groarr ! wkakak, ada sesi nembak" si melissa surya sama tupai febri. wkaka, heboh bgt 1 angkatan, ngakak" ! api unggun, roti bakar, dduk di bawah pohon sambil sakit maag, ngeliatin yg pda couple. asik ya, haha !! tapi yang pas mulai dari sore itu uda seru" bgt. huahaha ! meskipun malemnya ada sedikit kejadian. well, im glad that my friends beside me that time :') heheh, mandi jem 12 malem abis itu maen baru tidur. biar cuma tdur 4jem'an, gw masih bisa ngimpi. well, gw bngung asli sama itu mimpi ==" anting pake ilang sgala lg, dah lah, anggep buang sial

besoknya games ! lalala ! untung aje licia bawa catokan, klo engga, gw gatau gmna poni gw stelah maen cebur"an. kaki masih sakit klo napak gara" nyebur ke kolam ==

overall, i enjoyed every seconds in there \(‾▿‾\)┌(_O_)┐ (/‾▿‾)/ thanks yg uda pda ngerjain gw, bikin gw ketawa ngakak, bikin gw treak". paling engga, gw jadi sedikit lupa sama yg namanya galau, haha. ng'galau disitu sih suasana ny mndukung bgt, aplg malem" dibawah pohon. behh !
pkknya, retreat kali ini sesuatu bangettttt ! wkwkwk *sry deh ya kalo lebay, haha !

anyway, today is the first day of October ! bye September ! you've been a nice month for me :) i was satisfied with everything :) :)
i wish nothing ! all i want is just happiness. going through the day with laugh at school, home and everywhere.
no sadness ! no tears ! no heartbreak ! less problems ! bless my UTS also !
Godblessme and everyone who deserve it ! amin ! (‾ʃƪ‾)

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